About Me

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Hi my name is Andria and I am graduate student at Fairmont State Univeristy working towards my masters in the art of teaching. I am a sparkler and my quirkiness makes me hard to remember but impossible to forget! I believe your character is shaped by the unexpected things that happen in life and how you deal with them.Attitude is everything dont cry because its over, Smile because it happened. I enjoy the simple things in life.To receive much, you must give much.Personality has the power to open many doors, but it is character that keeps them open.Sometimes what you're looking for is right where you left it.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Self Asessment at Midterm

Wow! Can you believe we have reached the halfway point in this semester! It's crazy to look back on all my previous blog posts and see how far I've come since this class has started my knowledge has grown leaps and bounds! I also feel so much more comfortable using the different tools like jing, snipping, and bender converter. I am confident in my abilities to create podcast and even blogging (something I had never done before this class) and for that I am grateful and excited to see what I learn in the second half of this course.

For this assessment I was required to fill out a survey made my Dr. Pierce that required me to reflect on my previous work of the semester. During this reflection I learned that I have 15 blog posts, 7 discussion postings on black board, my recent PEW score of 93, and my MBTI code.  We also had to define TPACK in our own words and as if we were an interview with Dr. Pierce this was my definition:

TPACK is a theoretical framework for understanding teacher knowledge required for effective technology integration. The TPACK framework was proposed in order to emphasize the need to situate technology knowledge within content and pedagogical knowledge. TPACK considers teachers’ knowledge as complex and multifaceted, approaches that focus on the attainment of
technology skills separate from pedagogy and content. TPACK acts as a useful framework for thinking about what knowledge teachers must have to integrate technology into teaching and how they might develop this knowledge. At the heart of the TPACK framework, is the interplay of three primary forms of knowledge: Content (CK), Pedagogy (PK), and Technology (TK). The TPACK framework builds on Shulman’s idea of Pedagogical Content Knowledge. Teachers who have TPACK act with an intuitive understanding of the interplay between the three basic components of knowledge. "

I think that having us reflect our work at midterm in a survey like this refreshes our head of how far we've come and what all we have learned. Something like this would be very useful in a classroom because the student can provide me with their personal reflection of their progress in the classroom. I could also see where they stand in achieving the learning outcomes for the course. I could use the collective results of this survey to see if I needed to go back and re-educate the students on a particular unit. For example, if the majority of students could not define TPACK, as stated in the learning objectives, then that is something I should reflect on re-evaluate my teaching methods and teach my students again. It's a good progress report for both the teacher and the student.

The standards that this type of survey would follow would be:
NETS-T Standard 2: Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments particularly provide students with multiple and varied formative and summative assessments aligned with content and technology standards and use resulting data to inform learning and teaching.

So that's a wrap the half way point has been reached! Stay posted the second half is on its way!


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